In the Spirit of the NHL Playoffs, LBS is going to have Jersey Day next Wednesday, May 11th when the Flames have their next home game. Go Flames Go! (or whichever team you cheer for!)
In continuing our exploration of self identity, students found ways to celebrate their name story, outside them, inside them, and interests and talents. Several mentor texts supported this work...
The Conservation Champions Festival on Wednesday was an amazing experience for everyone. Teachers, Parents, Zoo Employees, and the general public were all impressed by the wealth of knowledge that the students shared when speaking on the story of the polar bears. In a reflection today, students shared what a Conservation Champion is and does. "A Conservation Champion will spread the message." " A Conservation Champion cares for animals. A Conservation Champion is willing to share information about animals." 
Last Friday, students continued their robotics work with Ms. Thomas. With robotics and computational thinking, students developed an understanding of estimation and measurement of length (distance).
Defining the difference between non-standard and standard units of measurement, students shared that using standard units makes it easy for everyone to understand the same measurement. They also recognized that we don’t always carry around tools for standard measurement, so developing accurate estimation skills is important.
Students used a meter stick to first calibrate what 10 centimeters looked like with their fingers or hands. They then used their calibration to estimate the length of various line segments, working alongside a partner to repeat the 10cm over and over. Their estimates were recorded to check for accuracy next time, using the Dash robots.
Have a wonderful weekend & Happy Mothers Day!