Saturday, September 4, 2021

Welcome to Room 6

Welcome to the 2021/2022 school year! It has been my pleasure to meet and get to know the students in our classroom this week!

This week's message is being sent in School Messenger as well as the classroom BLOG. if you haven't already done so please visit our Classroom BLOG and subscribe as weekly messages will be solely posted there after this week. 

In order to achieve a respectful learning environment, much of our focus in the beginning of the year is devoted to the establishment of a cohesive classroom community. We will achieve this in our classroom through cooperative learning opportunities, established routines, firm but fair expectations, and a consistency of approach. Students are working on making responsible choices and developing independent work habits.

Much of our learning will be centered around our guiding question this year: "By spending time in this place, how might my connection to plants and animals.... support my well-being, develop a sense of interconnectedness, create deeper empathy, and strengthen personal stewardship". We will begin our year exploring these four core concepts as they directly connect to the Montessori approach. This school year, Room 6 students will be given opportunities in a variety of school based and off-site experiences to ask questions, explore and seek answers in order to fulfill their sense of wonder about the natural world and its happenings. Each student’s personal questions and wonderings will be acknowledged and expanded upon with authentic learning tasks. Subject areas will be taught through an inquiry approach in an integrated manner.

Ask your child about our new friend that made its first appearance in our classroom on Friday. We shared our excitement, observations and questions by participating in a thinking routine titled "I see, I think, I wonder".

A few house keeping items...

Please return the Student Information Package at your earliest convience.


Any time sensitive information will be shared through School Messenger.


The classroom blog is a great place to visit to understand what your child is doing in school. The blog is updated weekly to inform you of the lessons that your child participated in, and upcoming school events that may be of importance. Please subscribe and check our blog regularly to stay informed. 

Email is the best way to get a hold of me.

In the case of absences or changes in pick up/drop off – including bus routine – please call or email the office to let them know. I also appreciate knowing if there are any changes in daily pick up drop off routines. A quick note by email will help ensure student safety. Please note that our class will enter and exit the school through the South West doors.


There will be opportunities for volunteering this school year. All volunteers are required to fill out volunteer forms and have an up to date Security Clearance. These forms take time to process, so if you are considering volunteering at all this year, please fill out the forms at your earliest convenience.

Lunch and Snacks

Children are to bring their own healthy snacks and lunch to school as well as a water bottle. Please include a foldable placemat or napkin in your childs' lunch kit.


Students will have the opportunity to engage in literacy activities through Raz Kids and other websites. To allow for minimal disruption, we ask that each child bring in a labelled set of headphones to keep in their cubby for the school year.

This is all for now! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful long weekend!


Mrs. Heidi Morden

1 comment:

  1. so sorry I just saw this I will send some headphones in with her tomorrow!
